When you purchase a new car, you hope to avoid all the headaches and hassles you deal with when having an older car with lots of mileage. However, every car needs regular maintenance to make sure the vehicle keeps purring along like expected. The last thing you want to do is make a car purchase to find out the auto dealer is known for lousy service.
Fortunately J.D. Power and Associates just released the 2012 U.S. Customer Service Index (CSI) report that examines satisfaction among vehicle owners who visit a service department for maintenance or repair work. The CSI rankings are based on dealer service performance during the first three years of new-vehicle ownership, which typically represents the majority of the vehicle warranty period. Five measures are examined to determine overall customer satisfaction with dealer service (listed in order of importance): service quality; service initiation; service advisor; service facility; and vehicle pick-up.
Here�s the ranking of customer satisfaction based on car dealer service for regular maintenance or repair work.
Top 5 Luxury Car Brands based on Dealer Service Customer Satisfaction:
1. Lexus
2. Cadillac
3. Jaguar
4. Acura
5. Porsche
Top 5 Mass Market Car Brands based on Dealer Service Customer Satisfaction:
1. Mini
2. Buick
3. GMC
4. Chevrolet
5. Hyundai
J.D. Power�s Customer Service Index predicts depressed auto sales to subsist until the nationally economy improves. If this is the case, maintaining the highest levels of dealer service customer satisfaction could be a competitive advantage for those car brands that keep up the dealer service customer satisfactions scores.
Before you make your next car purchase you’d be well served by keeping these rankings in mind.
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