Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Suckers or saviors? Small investors buy up stocks


Individual investors at long last began pouring cash back into equities in January, but that doesn't mean you should assume mom and pop have the firepower to continue driving U.S. stocks to new highs, analysts say. See full story.

5 tax breaks on the chopping block

As Congress wrangles over the deficit, these deductions may get the ax. The tax hikes passed to solve the fiscal-cliff mess won�t raise enough revenue to keep the nation�s budget woes in check. But rather than raise rates further, President Obama hinted Sunday that lawmakers� next round of deficit-reduction talks will likely revolve around closing tax loopholes and eliminating deductions. See full story.

The taxman is now playing doctor

When they file their returns this year, some Americans will get a medical bill with their tax bill. See full story.

Michael Dell: What�s in it for him?

Michael Dell, who started his company by selling PCs out of his dorm room, takes another step in his transformation from bad boy to battle-hardened tech veteran. See full story.

What tech giants do top performers like?

Two of the four companies covered in this month�s package � Microsoft, Apple, Google and Yahoo � have backers among top managers, but it�s probably not the two that you expect. See full story.


When they file their returns this year, some Americans will get a medical bill with their tax bill. See full story.

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