Monday, October 29, 2012

Google, Microsoft Up Slightly in comScore Feb. Search Share

ComScore just published the firm’s count for search engine market share in the U.S. for February, and the stats show little change for the major players.

Google (GOOG) had 66.4% of the keyword search volume in the month, up two tenths of a point from the prior month. Microsoft (MSFT) showed a one-tenth-of-a-point rise for its sites, at 15.3%, including Bing. Yahoo! (YHOO) was third with 13.8%, down three tenths of a point. IAC/InterActive’s (IACI) Ask Network was unchanged at 3% and AOL (AOL) was down a tenth of a point at 1.5%.

Interestingly, all the providers fell slightly in terms of their volume total queries except for Ask, who saw its total volume of queries rise 2%, though it remained in fourth place. Google served 17.6 billion U.S. queries, reports comScore, down from 17.8 billion in January.


should help verizon continue to capture the lion’s share of new smartphone subscribers and potentially a much higher share of tablet subscribers

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