Friday, January 29, 2010

My Colleague “Shares the Wealth”for the Next 30 Hours

While all eyes were glued to the television last night watching President Obama give his State of the Union speech, there was a little-known story quietly making its way to the mainstream media. It could be the biggest news story you'll hear this year. Not only that, but if you follow the instructions outlined in this special report, you could get handsome royalty checks mailed to you at least four times this year.

You see, the story has to do with natural gas. Turns out, Western Europe has a cornucopia of natural gas sitting right underneath its feet. Estimates show that in places like Poland, France, Austria and Hungary, there's as much as $1.6 trillion worth of natural gas. That's enough to raise reserves by over 50%... and cut Russia out of the European market once and for all.

The irony is that the Europeans have known about this gas for decades, but they haven't had the technology to get to it. Until now. One small American company has the technology to finally tap into these pockets of natural gas. In fact, researchers at Texas A&M University estimate that this breakthrough technology could multiply world reserves nine times over.

The details are in the special report. I urge you to read it as soon as possible to see how you can take advantage of this situation to collect as much as $100,000 in royalty checks.

Just weeks ago an attaché representing a consortium of European Union officials boarded a private jet bound for an undisclosed location...

You won't be able to find the details of this trip reported in the popular press...

Even the mainstream media glossed over the serious potential of the trip...

They were in a race to stop what could be a long, deadly winter in Western Europe.

After 10 hours in the air - and a tricky landing in windy Harrisburg - the grim-faced emissary traveled two more hours via limousine over winding mountain roads.

His destination: A barren, high-country valley in the shadow of northern Pennsylvania's Back Mountain.

Here, the dark-suited envoy was seen shaking hands with an American in a hard hat and muddy boots, standing on a gravel road outside a temporary trailer.

They were sealing a deal that could pay you generous royalties over the next 20 years - potentially as much as six figures every year.

Without fanfare, the courier placed a briefcase on the hood of a beat-up Chevy Suburban. From it, he withdrew a plain manila envelope...

Inside was a cashier's check for $2 billion, endorsed by a top-level EU official.

The attaché also handed the man a communiqué drafted on behalf of all the major EU heads of state. It read simply:

This $2 billion was just a good-faith deposit -- a way to buy a moment of the American's time.

It's a lot of money to pay before any work has been done.

But, it's a small thing compared to the consequences for the EU's leaders -- and its population -- if they could not make this deal.

That's because all of Europe is facing a desperate situation that could lead to their primary energy source being cut off this winter.

According to former Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Richard Lugar, an energy crisis in the dead of winter in Europe would cause "death and economic loss on the scale of a military attack."

That's why the Europeans are in a haste to sign what those in the know refer to as the "Back Mountain Covenant."

And it's why their urgency has created a once-in-a-lifetime moneymaking opportunity for you. The chance to collect as much as $104,000 every year...

On the surface -- or at least what was reported to the public -- the deal was a general agreement to share important research and technology in the future.

But in the unreported fine print, the "Covenant" could give this American company a stake in an untapped energy discovery in Western Europe worth as much as an estimated $1.6 trillion.

It's the biggest cooperative energy agreement ever inked -- and it could change the face of global macro-politics forever.

Here's where you come in: Thanks to the EU's predicament, YOU could start collecting a share of this fortune next month...

In fact, you could collect as much as six figures a year -- for at least the next 20 years.

I'll tell you exactly how in this letter. But first, I need to reiterate how important it is to keep the fine print of this deal a secret.


Because the "Back Mountain Covenant" could cost Russia billions of dollars in yearly income. And the only way they could prevent it is to shut off the energy they provide to Europe...

In the dead of winter, that could be a death sentence for most every European.

Why does Russia care? I'll explain in a second, but first let me reassure you:

No matter what Russia does, you'll still be able to collect these checks.

Fact is, if Russia cuts off Europe's energy this winter, the urgency becomes even greater for European leaders -- and the checks could get a lot fatter.

Why Europe Is Willing to Pay ANY Price for "Back Mountain" Expertise

So what does the Euro-Russia energy tussle have to do with an American in a hard hat?

And how does it all add up to a deal that could make you a personal fortune?

Let me explain.

Since communism fell, Russia has been taken over by a cabal of spies, thugs -- and energy executives.

These guys have been getting rich over the past 15 years because they have something Europe doesn't: Large quantities of natural gas.

You see, Russian natural gas provides nearly 40% of the energy Europe relies on. In some European countries, it's as high as 100%.

Russian natural gas heats homes, schools, hospitals...

It provides energy for heavy industries crucial to their countries' economies.

Now, if Russia's state-owned energy company Gazprom operated like a normal business everything would be fine.

But, this Russian mega-corporation conducts business through coercion, paranoia and fear...

And control of the energy industry goes to the highest levels.

When Russia's informal czar Vladimir Putin was looking to nominate a president, he chose Dmitry Medvedev, the former chairman of Gazprom.

The Russian elites want to continue getting rich off Europe's reliance on their natural gas. And the money the government makes from gas helps fuel their belligerent foreign policies.

It's a vicious cycle.

At the heart of that cycle is an eagerness to take back control of satellite countries like Georgia and the Ukraine -- and strip them of their resources.

When Western Europe complains, Russia uses the threat of cutting off the gas to quiet them.

And the more Europe needs Russia's natural gas, the less they'll interfere when Russia starts expanding again...

Just like they backed off after the recent Georgian war in South Ossetia.

But the game has recently become more deadly.

Three times in the past five years Russia has literally cut off the gas to Europe -- in the middle of winter.

The main pipeline to Europe from Russia goes through the Ukraine. Using a dispute with the Ukraine over price, Russia shut off the gas for a week just last winter.

View Gateway to Europe Image

Millions of European homes went nearly a week without heat in the midst of a brutal winter. Twelve people died of hypothermia in Bulgaria.

I'm not just talking about Eastern Europeans who have relied on Mother Russia for hundreds of years.

France, Italy, Germany, Austria, Greece and others are all reliant to one degree or another on Russian natural gas to power their homes and industries.

American energy expert Amy Myers Jaffe said, "When the Russians are trying to claw back their power, energy is a major lever in their pursuit to do so."

Shutdowns in 2005 and 2006 were only minor annoyances to much of Europe. But, the cutoff last January seemed to finally open eyes. The European Union called it "completely unacceptable."

Even worse, the Ukraine has an election scheduled for January 2010. Russia will be keen to influence the result. Another gas shutoff is not just likely, it's expected.

The New York Times says, "Prime Minister Vladimir Putin also has no compunctions about using energy to promote his imperial ambitions."

If they find out about this deal, a shutdown could be preemptive -- an attempt to bully the Europeans into maintaining the status quo. It could last for months, perhaps all winter.

The Washington Post adds, "The real aim is to advance Russia's aggressive strategy of using its energy exports to divide Europe and undermine those states it still considers its rightful subjects, beginning with Ukraine."

Richard Lugar, former chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, summed up the threat this way:

"A natural gas shutdown to a European country in the middle of winter could cause death and economic loss on the scale of a military attack."

That's why EU officials delivered $2 billion in cash to one American company.

That's also why they signed the "Back Mountain Covenant" -- providing more-than-generous terms to this company.

They're willing to pay any price for their long-term security.

And their desperation to wean themselves off Russian gas is handing you a very lucrative opportunity...

The chance to make over $100,000 every year for the next 20 years...

Enough European Gas to Freeze Russia Out Forever -- Now Accessible With New American Technology...

Europe's tried building expensive and complicated natural gas pipelines through all the hazards of Islamic-controlled territory...

They've tried to bring back coal and alternative forms of energy, but ran afoul of environmental standards...

They've even tried importing liquefied natural gas (LNG) at an expensive cost.

All of these efforts have failed for one reason or another. Barely a dent has been made in Russia's market share.

So what now?

Well, it just so happens that Western Europe has a cornucopia of natural gas sitting right underneath its feet. Estimates show that in places like Poland, France, Austria and Hungary, there's as much as $1.6 trillion worth of natural gas.

That would be enough to cut prices in half, raise reserves by over 50%... and cut Russia out of the European market once and for all.

The irony is that the Europeans have known about this gas for decades, but they haven't had the technology to get to it.

Until now.

That's where the American in the hard hat comes in. You see, his company has perfected a technique that can reach Europe's natural gas.

European leaders have seen the drastic increases to U.S. reserves this technique has created. That's why they forked over a $2 billion down payment to his American company.

And it's why they're pressing for drilling to start immediately...

So how can you make money off this situation?

You could collect as much as six-figure royalty payments dispersed to you from the profits of this cutting-edge extraction company.

I'm going to show you exactly how below. Follow my instructions and you could realistically expect to collect at least 80 checks over the next 20 years.

But it could go on even longer.

Let me show you how...

EU Officials Pay Over $2 Billion for Access to "The Biggest Energy Innovation of the Decade"

Like I mentioned before, U.S. reserves of natural gas have skyrocketed in recent years.

In fact, natural gas reserves are up 40% in the past two years alone. There's so much natural gas flowing through U.S. pipelines that there's actually a glut.

Prices have been cut in half... And large fortunes have been made by energy companies with the right technology.

The breakthrough drilling technique responsible for these amazing results is called "fracking."

It's used for drawing natural gas from large areas of solid shale.

Pulitzer Prize-winning energy author Daniel Yergin called it "the biggest energy innovation of the decade."

Previously unreachable with normal drilling techniques, shale gas has become essential to America's energy future thanks to fracking.

Here's how fracking works:

View how fracking works

Fracking was perfected in places like the Barnett Shale of Ft. Worth, Texas, the Fayetteville Shale in Arkansas, and most recently, the Marcellus Shale of Pennsylvania.

The untouched gas in Western Europe is also shale gas.

"Oil companies have known about it for decades, but always dismissed it because it was too difficult to extract," said the Times of London.

Unwilling to live in fear of a Russian shutdown any more, European leaders have come to their senses and decided to pay whatever price necessary for the extraction technology needed to secure their energy future.

Again, the Times of London quoted the managing director of one international investment bank:

"There is a land grab going on in Europe. It will change the game if the big oil companies crack the geological code of unconventional gas in Europe. The resulting gas production would make Europe more self-sufficient and put the brakes on Russian gas becoming a more potent instrument of political influence."

Researchers at Texas A&M University estimate that this breakthrough technology could multiply world reserves nine times over.

It will take over 20 years to retrieve the bulk of this natural gas with a full-scale drilling effort. In fact, as technology improves, it's reasonable to expect even more gas to be discovered -- and recovered.

In the meantime, the U.S. company hired to drill will collect hefty royalties on all of the natural gas it produces.

It's all part of the fine print in the "Back Mountain Covenant." Desperate to escape Russia's clutches, they've promised generous royalties to the Americans.

That's the part where you get rich...

$104,000 a Year... For the Next 20 Years

In the era of the declining dollar, no business is eager to keep large chunks of cash on hand.

Instead, it's funneled to the shareholders...

I'm talking about potential six-figure payments every year for as long as they drill.

That's why a prominent U.K. energy consultant calls the situation, "A millionaire ticket that can be shared by everybody."

These royalty checks are being cashed by Americans right now, thanks to the U.S. natural gas explosion of the past 20 years:

  • Like Jeff Poulsen of Grand Rapids, Iowa. He cashed a check for $104,754 in royalties just this year...

  • Martin Parks of Hyattsville, Maryland, just got a $65,000 check in November. And he's scheduled to get another royalty check in February.

  • Lou Nesbit of Tacoma, Washington, has done even better. He's pulled in royalty payments of over $350,000 in each of the past two years. And he's on schedule to continue receiving those payments for the foreseeable future...

The agreement between the American and the Europeans stipulates that payments are made every fiscal quarter. And when the American company I'm about to reveal gets paid, that's when YOU get paid.

At least four times a year, you'll be getting a check in the mail...

Let's face it. For the foreseeable future the world is still going to need large quantities of oil and natural gas. And as those supplies grow more scarce, the companies involved in its production are going to make even more money.

It seems to me to be the safest and most lucrative place to put your money in the future. If you're looking for ways to make even more money for your retirement, investing in the right energy companies is the way to do it.

Right now, I believe this mammoth European gas cache -- and the American company hired to drill it -- is the best place to expect consistent, safe income for the long-term future.

In fact, I feel so strongly about it that I just finished compiling a report on the situation titled "How to Collect Royalties Every Year From European Natural Gas."

In this report I'll tell you exactly what American company is leading the way...

How you can sign up to collect your royalties...

And how much you can reasonably expect to make in the next five, 10 and 20 years.

But that's not all...

You see, there's another way to make money off this deal.

A way to collect a fortune in a short period of time...

If you get in as soon as possible, you could make as much as 70 times your money in three years.

And that's on top of the quarterly royalty payments you could receive...

How to Make 7,000% in the Next 3 Years

New discoveries of oil and natural gas always see lucrative gains in the short term for the companies involved.

Although Europeans have known about their shale gas for decades, it's still considered a brand-new discovery.

That's because all of the gas is still in the ground. None of it has been recovered. It's a pristine fossil fuel discovery in the middle of a democratically governed union of civilized countries.

"There's a possibility that under our feet are the same kind of shale-gas deposits that you have in the United States," said a professor of organic geochemistry at the GFZ German Research Center for Geosciences in Potsdam, Germany.

Comparable shale discoveries -- and the ensuing booms in natural gas production in the United States -- have made some companies a fortune twice over...

Look at the amazing gains that have come in similar situations -- even before fracking was perfected:

  • Range Resources Corp. saw its best stock of 2010 go up 6,687% after starting work in the Fayetteville Shale in 2000.

  • Chesapeake Energy got lucky twice. After getting involved early in the Barnett Shale in 1993 it made over 6,094% in just three years. They started drilling in the Fayetteville and Marcellus Shales in 1999 and gained another 7,202%.

  • Devon Energy was one of the leaders in the Barnett Shale and saw its best stock rise 2,590% after making a vital resource discovery in 1992.

  • EOG Resources' stock has skyrocketed 2,841% since it started getting involved in shale projects in the United States.

Just $5,000 invested in each of these companies at the time of their discoveries would've netted you $1,270,700.

Now imagine putting $20,000 into the largest of those gains, the 7,202%. That small investment would've made you an astounding $1,440,400.

This is exactly the type of gain possible with Europe's natural gas. A chance to make over 70 times your money, thanks to the urgency of Europe's desperate energy situation.

I'll show you how to cash in on this "millionaire ticket" in my special report, "How to Collect Royalties Every Year From European Natural Gas."

Inside it tells you which exploration company gives you the best chance to make as much as 7,000% in three years' time.

I'll also show you how to sign up for your royalty checks -- and how much you can reasonably expect to make in the next 20 years.

Best of all, this report can be yours FREE right now.

Let me show you how to receive your copy...

Why I Left My Job With a Successful Hedge Fund

My name is Zachary Scheidt. I've been in the investment business for 10 years.

As a CFA charterholder, I'm a member of an elite club dreamed up by legendary investor Benjamin Graham. (CFA stands for Chartered Financial Analyst.)

The Economist called the CFA program "the gold standard among investment analysis designations."

I used to work for one of the nation's largest banks. But the stodgy suits and impersonal nature of the business didn't suit me. So I left to help run a highly successful hedge fund.

The money was great -- we catered only to wealthy individuals with a minimum account balance north of $1,000,000 -- and I rose quickly, even becoming the chief operating officer within a few short years.

But something still didn't feel right about helping the rich get richer. And when I became the father of twins, I knew I had to do something else.

So I decided to use my expertise to help the average individual, folks like yourself, who don't feel like paying $1,000 just to have a five-minute conversation with some smug advisor.

I wanted to use my vast array of contacts to help people find unique and alternative ways to grow their money... a way to combine explosive short-term growth opportunities with long-term financial security.

That's why I started writing Taipan's New Growth Investor, a monthly investment research advisory service published by the Taipan Publishing Group out of Baltimore, Maryland.

I've been following the company I'm writing to you about today since they first got into the shale gas business.

And I'm familiar with the management team.

That's how I came to find out about the fine print in the "Back Mountain Covenant." It's something 99% of the so-called "experts" missed.

I've spent almost every day of the past three months checking the numbers over and over again.

No matter how conservatively I try to slice and dice it, this opportunity seems almost guaranteed to be incredibly lucrative.

That's why I put together a detailed special report titled "How to Collect Royalties Every Year From European Natural Gas."

Inside I'll show you how to collect quarterly royalty checks for as long as gas is coming out of European shale.

I'll also show you how lucrative this opportunity could be in the next three years alone...

The Wall Street Journal says: "Preliminary estimates suggest that shale gas resources around the world could be equivalent to or even greater than current proven natural gas reserves."

This is an investment that keeps on giving.

That's why you should get in right away and start collecting your share before the mainstream investors catch wind...

To help, I'd like to send you "How to Collect Royalties Every Year From European Natural Gas," FREE of charge.

The only thing I ask in return is that you take a no-risk trial subscription to my monthly newsletter, New Growth Investor.

Before you decide if New Growth Investor is right for you, there's something else I'd like to send you FREE...

You see, while I was researching this massive opportunity in Europe I came across another unique way to potentially make lots of money in a short period of time...

How You Could Make 90% in One Day

Europe's energy future is in the shale gas sitting underneath places like Poland, Hungary and Austria.

But the energy they need right away is in Texas.

Specifically in lightly populated La Salle County, an area better known for its cattle than their natural resources.

Until last fall, that is...

That's when the south Texas area not far from Mexico and the Gulf Coast caught the attention of some of the largest oil and gas companies in the world.

Like Exxon Mobil, British Petroleum and Royal Dutch Shell, to name a few.

View map of Texas

Their attention was grabbed by this line in the San Antonio Express-News:

"A small oil and gas company in Houston quietly announced the discovery of a mammoth natural gas field in south Texas..."

One of the first wells drilled on this company's 210,000 acres is already producing 9.1 million cubic feet of natural gas per day.

Eager to increase their reserves, major companies in both Europe and the United States are circling the small Houston-based company that made the discovery like vultures, ready to pay a high price for their assets.

When they make their inevitable acquisition move, you could make 90% gains in one day...

Let me back up a second.

I mentioned before that natural gas reserves in the United States have risen as much as 40% in the past two years. The price of natural gas has dropped to below half of what it was two years ago.

So why does this discovery - in the midst of an oversupplied market -- merit any attention at all? And how could it make you 90% in a single day?

Location, Location, Location...

While they are paying large fees to start fracking as soon as possible -- EU officials are also willing to pay a hefty price to bring in natural gas right now, this winter.

That's where the newest American shale discovery comes in.

Close proximity to the Gulf of Mexico makes transporting this gas to Europe easier than from other U.S. locations. That makes it a slightly cheaper alternative in the expensive liquid natural gas (LNG) market.

What happens is the gas is cooled and turned into liquid form before being shipped by boat to Europe where it's regasified and distributed...

The price of natural gas is still twice as high in Europe as it is in the United States. And the cost to ship LNG is even higher.

While this south Texas discovery is a cheaper alternative for Europe than other U.S. shale plays, it's still a lucrative opportunity for the company involved.

So while most U.S. natural gas companies have slowed down work, this small Houston outfit has stepped up production.

And that's why the big boys have started moving in, looking for a way to turn the south Texas shale into their own cash cow.

As The Wall Street Journal reported, "Attracted by the allure of U.S. shale gas, several major oil companies have shown interest" in this under-the-radar company.

This shale play "remains one of the hottest prospects in North America and energy companies are moving forward there even as they're pulling back elsewhere," according to the San Antonio Express-News.

Royal Dutch Shell, British Petroleum -- even ExxonMobil -- are all rumored to be preparing bids. An acquisition could come at any time.

This year has already seen $132.7 billion in oil and gas acquisitions. And that's expected to be even higher in 2010 as the major oil companies look to consolidate their reserves for the inevitable price run-up of oil and natural gas.

"Investment bankers are expecting transactions to heat up in the next year," according to The Wall Street Journal.

And that's how you can make money off the situation. The company's CEO has made it clear that any offer must include the price of all reserves in the ground -- mere chump change to the major oil companies, with gas prices so low right now.

However, if they were bought out for that price, it would be worth a 90% premium to shareholders. That could be a nice little gain for you -- in one day.

You'd be hard-pressed to find an opportunity like that in any other sector.

The catch is, you have to invest in this company right away -- while gas prices are low enough to make this acquisition super-attractive. There's no time to hesitate.

A deal could be announced any day now...

And then the stock will run up and your chance at easy 90% gains will be gone.

I've created a special report about this situation as well. It's called, "Make 90% in One Day on North America's Newest Shale Discovery."

Inside the report, I'll tell you the name of the small Houston company...

Why I think you could make up to 90% gains any day now...

And why I think a double in the next year is possible even if the company isn't bought out...

Best of all, this report and "How to Collect Royalties Every Year From European Natural Gas" can be yours FREE today when you take a no-risk trial subscription to New Growth Investor.

What does "no risk" mean?

In these uncertain economic times, it's a way for you to "test-drive" my service with a money-back guarantee...

Let me show you how it works.

"Now I've Got Well Over $100,000..."

I believe very strongly in my work.

So strongly that I'm willing to let you try New Growth Investor for 90 days, risk-free.

If you don't find my research -- and the moneymaking opportunities I dig up -- useful, you can cancel your subscription and I'll return every cent.

I'll also let you keep all the research you get in that 90 days even if you cancel.

That includes the two special reports I'm sending you, all of my existing research, plus the three months worth of new recommendations you'll receive as a subscriber...

Why would I make that promise?

Because I'm certain you won't want to cancel your subscription after you see the amount of money my recommendations can help you make.

In New Growth Investor I strive to uncover companies that offer double-digit returns in six months to a year.

For some people, that might sound like an aggressive strategy. But I know how to manage risk.

You see, I spent eight years managing a hedge fund with over $100 million in accounts.

I made my clients a lot of money. But I never took outrageous risk. I'm probably one of the only managers who didn't invest my clients' money in toxic mortgage-backed securities.

I'm not telling you this to brag, but so that you understand, when it comes to helping you get rich, I know what I'm doing.

My subscribers seem to appreciate my stock-picking philosophy... and what it's done for their bank accounts:

"Took your recommendation and bought 14,000 shares of CCK at $0.96. Now I've got well over $100,000. Can't thank you fellas enough."
-- Subscriber Marcus Creighton

"I made $23,840 on my 500 shares [of SWN]. Thanks a lot for the direction."
-- Subscriber Byron Richards

"Thanks for the Nordstrom recommendation... a nice 180% profit. I'll be looking forward to more recommendations."
-- Subscriber James Bogar

Look, I know it's been a hard couple of years to be in the hot stock market of 2010. I know you're worried about your retirement savings, or if you're going to have to work five -- even 10 -- years longer than you thought.

That's what I'm here for. In New Growth Investor, I work to find the best places for growth in the market -- while protecting your money from wild speculations.

I won't be recommending any risky, fly-by-night micro caps, but I also won't be weighing you down with bloated blue chips.

I look for top 10 stocks for 2010 set for growth in the next quarter -- and I recommend holding them until that growth has run its course. I'll show you when to get out to maximize your profit potential.

It's a philosophy that worked well for me when I was running a $100 million hedge fund. And it's a philosophy that's worked well for my subscribers.

Just look at some of the quick gains we've made in the past year, despite a topsy-turvy market...

15 out of 16 WINNERS in 2009...

Of the 16 recommendations I've made this year, only one has gone down.

The average gain was 33%... Try finding a mutual fund that outperforms that.

Some of the gains were even more explosive. Like:

  • Yingli Green Energy shot up 187% after my recommendation...

  • Just two months after my recommendation, U.S. Gold Corp was up 127%...

  • In less than a month, my tech pick Genoptix was up 32%...

  • Assured Guaranty Ltd. went up 43% in two and a half months after I recommended it...

And these are just a few examples from this year... in the past we've had quite a few winners as well:

  • Apache Corporation (APA): We recommended this large-cap energy top 10 stocks for 2010 when it was selling for $63.76 per share. And just five months later, readers who followed our recommendation had the chance to earn a 126.8% gain.

  • Lifecell Corp (LIFC): We recommended this stock at just $22.93 per share. And sold it on January 18, 2008, for 78% gains in our model portfolio.

  • Shanda Interactive (SNDA): Folks who followed our recommendation and bought shares in this Chinese online gaming company for only $12.32 had the chance to grab 129% when we sold the position for $28.26 less than seven months later.

  • Golden Telecom (GLDN): This little-known Russian long distance operator handed readers a swift 62% gain in only 60 days when it quickly moved from $64.49 to $105.02 after we released our initial "buy" alert.

  • CNOOC Ltd (CEO): We recommended this Chinese petroleum explorer at a pricey $86.18 per share. But folks who got in on this play weren't disappointed when the stock moved to $192.08 just nine months later, helping them see a healthy 126% gain.

If you're getting results like that from your investments right now, I'll be honest with you:

You don't need New Growth Investor.

But, if you're an investor and your results haven't been all you've hoped they would be, then I encourage you to jump on board now.

And while I'm proud of my 2009 track record, I'll be honest with you...

I don't think it can hold a candle to the gains you could see in 2010.

Just on the opportunity in European natural gas alone, I think you could drastically increase your bank account. There's a chance you could make as much as 7,000% gains... and collect as much as six-figure royalty checks for the next 20 years.

And with President Obama's big-spending government in charge for another three years, the potential for new growth industries to pop up is enormous.

If you want to come along for the ride, I urge you to take advantage of my 90-day, risk-free trial subscription offer. Here's what you'll get:

  • You'll get 12 months of New Growth Investor, a new issue every month delivered straight to your mailbox. Inside each letter is a new moneymaking opportunity exclusively for subscribers.

  • Special Report #1: "How to Collect Royalties Every Year From European Natural Gas." Inside I'll tell you how you can collect royalty checks for as much as $104,000 every year for the next 20 years. I'll also show you which company set to drill in Europe could make 7,000% gains in the next three years.

  • Special Report #2: "Make 90% in One Day on North America's Newest Shale Discovery." As the major oil and gas producers start upping the price for acquisitions in 2010, there's one company that could see a 90% gain in one day. I'll tell you who they are and how soon you need to get in to collect your one-day gain.

  • Weekly Updates: Every week, I'll update you on any developments in the portfolio and any news involving your investments. Sometimes I may even have a bonus investment for you. I'm not one of those newsletter writers who makes a prediction and then forgets about it. I'll keep you posted on how long to hold the position, and when to get out so you can maximize your profits.

  • Free Subscription to Taipan Daily: Taipan Daily is our free daily e-letter read by over 225,000 people each morning. It's filled with investment recommendations, commentary and market analysis from our panel of experts, plus topical essays and lots more moneymaking opportunities.

  • Free Subscription to Taipan Insider: This exclusively circulated e-letter will keep you informed on special investment opportunities we uncover around the globe. Whether it's China, India, South America or Australia, we'll get you the inside scoop on global trends before they happen... so you can cash in.

  • Access to ALL the Back Issues of New Growth Investor: You'll be able to go through all of my old issues, special reports and updates to find even more chances to make money RIGHT NOW.

So how much does New Growth Investor cost?

Investment advisors with my experience -- CFA charterholders running a $100 million hedge fund -- might command $1,000 an hour for their advice.

Don't worry. New Growth Investor doesn't cost nearly that much.

In fact, for a fraction of what a hotshot broker would charge for a one-time consultation, I'll give you 12 months' worth of lucrative investment opportunities.

And speaking of lucrative opportunities...

Let me show you how I recently uncovered a way for investors to legally swipe six-figure payments from corporate "slush funds."

How to Become a  "Slush Fund" Millionaire

2008 was a horrific year for most companies...

And that includes homebuilder Hovnanian Enterprises, which saw its stock fall 62%... revenue fall 31%... and the company lost $1.1 billion overall.

However, that certainly didn't stop CEO Ara Hovnanian from pocketing a year-end bonus of $1.5 million.

You read that right.

As Mr. Hovnanian watched investors in his company lose their hard-earned cash, he was collecting a nice fat check for doing absolutely nothing.

And it was all coming straight from the company's "slush fund."

However, if you'd been watching the situation carefully -- and had known exactly what to do -- you could have swiped a total of $18,187 on just two quick strikes.

Instead of losing money, you'd have found yourself $18,187 richer.

Now here's the ultimate upshot for you: Right now, I've identified two other "slush funds" just like this -- ripe for the picking.

In fact, if you get into these two plays before February 10th, I'm positive you'll have the chance to easily swipe the same amount -- and probably much more -- as you could have with Hovnanian Enterprises.

So how do you know exactly when to take action?

I'll explain all the details in my special report, "How to Become a 'Slush Fund' Millionaire."

The report can be yours for FREE today, along with the other two special reports I'm sending you.

That's three unique moneymaking opportunities that could all be yours... if you decide to take a risk-free, 90-day subscription to New Growth Investor.

While some brokers and investment banks will charge you a fortune to divulge this information, New Growth Investor will cost you less than $5 a month.

Plus you'll never have to worry about subscription rate increases. For your convenience, we'll automatically bill your credit card just $39 each year until you tell us to stop. You reserve the right to cancel at any time, no questions asked.

With drilling set to start early in 2010, you don't want to miss the opportunity for 7,000% gains on the "Back Mountain Covenant" company...

Nor do you want to miss out on your chance to start collecting as much as six-figure royalty checks every year -- for the next 20 years.

In just 20 minutes, you can have my special report, "How to Collect Royalties Every Year From European Natural Gas," with all the details you need to know on your desk.

I'll also send you my other two special reports, "Make 90% in One Day on North America's Newest Shale Discovery," and "How to Become a 'Slush Fund' Millionaire," FREE of charge.

You'll have 90 days to try it out and see if these are the kind of gains you're interested in making. If within those 90 days, you're not satisfied, just let us know and we'll return your money immediately, no questions asked.

That's right. You're guaranteed a full refund. All you have to do is let us know.

And even if you cancel after the three-month period is up, you'll still get money back from the unused portion of your subscription.

Personally, I think this deal is a no-brainer, but I'd urge you to act quickly.

In each of the moneymaking situations I've told you about today, your ability to maximize your profits hinges on getting into the investment early.

NGAS Resources faced a similar situation in 1999. They began drilling in January and started reporting encouraging results almost immediately. The best stock price at the time was only 50 cents.

By June, the stock had already gone up to $2.93... a 486% gain.

However, investors who waited to get in until March would only have made 162%.

The investor who bought $20,000 worth of shares in January would have made over $65,000 more than the investor who bought $20,000 worth of shares in March.

It's a lesson as old as money itself: He who hesitates is lost.

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