Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Millions Found Dead in Top Stocks Market Collapse...

They're not going to like that I'm giving away "guest passes" into the market that's making them rich...

Why would they? They've done everything to keep this a secret from you. And up until today, they've done a pretty good job...

Only 2,408 people are currently "on the inside."

But today, I'll give you a chance to beat them at their own game. A simple and easy way to gain guest access to their private "Millionaire's Market." Then you could start profiting from their transactions.

Sound crazy? It's not. Let me explain...

First, you won't hear about the "Millionaire's Market" on the evening news. The operation is hush-hush. And obviously, the millionaires want to keep it that way.

Next, only the elite can join. They charge outrageous membership fees to join the "Millionaire's Market." At least a million bucks.

That's exactly why I call it a "Millionaire's Market" — even though most people know it by another name. Some members have even paid $5.8 million to secure their seat inside.

I don't know about you, but I'd pay a few million bucks to gain access to a secret financial market only if I was certain to become "ultra rich" in the process...

And that's exactly what they're doing. Making millions of dollars year after year. All without touching a single stock... bond... or other kind of investment most people are used to.

In short, they're growing rich trading "secret" things in their "secret" market — while you and I are left spinning the roulette wheel that the best stock market of 2011 has become. Does that sound fair to you? Of course not!

Today, I'll give you a secret "guest pass" into their market — so you can grab your share of the riches WITHOUT ever having to pay their million-dollar membership fee.

Don't worry. Your "guest pass" is perfectly legal. And it could be extremely profitable.

I'll show you a few examples of how much you could make in just a minute.

But first, you're probably wondering just who these secret millionaires are... why they keep their market hidden... and how I know all of this. So let's start from the beginning...

The 136-Year-Old "Millionaire's Market" Moves Stockpiles of Money Each Day. . . Right Beneath Your Nose!

But Today, My "Guest Pass" Gives You the Chance to Withdraw YOUR SHARE. . .

Before we go any further, I want to make something clear: The Millionaire's Market doesn't involve top stocks to buy or bonds... These millionaires could care less what the Dow Jones, S&P or Nasdaq do each day.

While the talking heads on television try to stimulate the economy... while the corporate Best Stock market for 2011 junkies try to convince you that "buy and hold" is the best way to make money... and while brokers charge ridiculous fees to manage retirement accounts that never seem to move...

This secret group of traders plays an ENTIRELY different game.

And they use the mainstream media's "know-it-all analysts" to convince you that the stock market is the place to be... all just to divert your attention away from them while they trade like bandits inside their secret Millionaire's Market...

Today alone, they've completed more than 1,115,153 deals. Yesterday, they closed over 1,045,456 trades... and the day before, they made 1,305,567 deals...

My point is that over a million of these transactions occur each and every day. And they've run this underground Millionaire's Market since 1872.

But today is YOUR day to infiltrate the Millionaire's Market with your own guest pass.

But Why Do They Work So Hard to Keep You out of the "Millionaire's Market"?

Expensive cars, party boats, houses in the Hamptons, private helicopters... these guys have it all.

Think they want to give these things up to you? NO WAY! They want it all for themselves. And the more people who know about their market the more competition they have...

To me, that just doesn't seem fair... So today, I'll throw the doors wide open for you.

I want to give you a "guest pass" that allows access to the opportunities inside the Millionaire's Market.

You can think of the guest pass as your revenge against them for trying to shut off access to the hardworking, blue-collar Joe...

When you use your guest pass to get in on the profit potential of the Millionaire's Market, you'll have the chance to make huge sums of income — as much as $810 per week — from the world's hottest and most secretive market.

Money like that can completely change your life forever. I know — because that income changed my life.

Here's How the "Millionaire's Market" Paid Me to Retire From My 9–5 Office Job at 32 Years Old. . .

No more ironing shirts and tying ties at 6:15 in the morning... no more sitting in rush hour... and no more waiting around at 5 p.m. on Friday to pick up my weekly check...

The Millionaire's Market changed ALL of that. Now I'm my own boss.

I'm able to go hit golf balls on a sunny Friday afternoon. I'm able to spend entire weekdays with my young daughter. And I'm able to travel whenever and wherever I want. After all, isn't that what life is REALLY about?

I'm finally free from the shackles of "normal" work. You could be, too. I'll show you how in just a moment.

And if you're already retired, the "guest pass" could help you live more comfortably, too.

Since 1989, I estimate that I've made more than $100,000 year after year in this secret market... In fact, I use it whenever I need some extra cash for my wife, my young daughter or me.

Today, I'd like to show you how you could do the same thing...

How You Use YOUR Extra "Millionaire's Market" Money Is Completely up to YOU. . .

If you accept your personal "guest pass" today, you could live a happier life while making a consistent stream of money. And you can start as early as 7:10 a.m. EST tomorrow.

Take Ray Chan, for example. Ray's a 48-year-old software architect from Charlotte, N.C., who told me that he's used his guest pass into the Millionaire's Market to average an extra $1,500 per month. For the past eight months!

What has he used the extra cash on? Well, Ray said this: "Giving gifts is a lot easier when you have some extra money that you didn't work overtime for!"

Or take Stan Rohl — a 51-year-old semiretired uniform rental operator — who recently told me that he used the guest pass into the Millionaire's Market to make $1,337.80 in only ONE WEEK.

If you could do that each and every week, it would add up to almost $70,000 per year in extra income. What would YOU do with an extra $70K per year?

Just think how extra cash like that would change your life...

Because today I'm giving YOU a chance at the same type of gains.

You see, the "guest pass" is my name for a research service I've spent the last 19 years of my life perfecting. And Stan and Ray are just two of the many readers taking advantage of this service.

But before I tell you how you can join me as we raid this market, let's get something straight... The Millionaire's Market isn't for everyone. I want only aggressive people joining me as we sneak into this market through the back door. We have no room for deadbeats.

So if you're not serious about a chance to make an extra $810 per week, stop reading. This letter isn't for you. But if that extra income potential sounds appealing...

What you're about to read is highly confidential.

The truth is, I'm lucky to be telling you about it all. That's because I wasn't born into the "Millionaire's Market."

Instead, I stumbled into it by accident.

How My Life Story Has Paved the Way for YOU to "Withdraw" Money From the "Millionaire's Market" With an Undercover Guest Pass. . .

My true love in life used to be filmmaking.

When I was a kid, my parents told me that I used to act out scenes in my crib. They said I was a natural...

So when I grew older, I left my middle-class Minnesota town and went to the Big Apple to become a film major.

But after college, I couldn't find a job in film to save my life. So being young, broke and desperate, I took any type of work that I could find. And that's when I discovered the Millionaire's Market.

You see, a buddy of mine had just been accepted as an assistant to a trader inside the secret financial market I've been telling you about.

And as luck would have it, he knew another "millionaire" who needed an assistant. The next day, I got the job...

The Secret "Millionaire's Market" REVEALED!

They paid me $22,000 per year to do their grunt work.

And I quickly found out what they were trading to make them so rich...

They never touched a single best stock For 2011... never laid their hands on a corporate bond... and didn't think twice about investing in CDOs, ADRs, ETFs or any other fancy acronyms.

They didn't have to worry about shady accounting practices... questionable insider transactions... or even SEC investigations...

Instead, these guys were trading things that can't be manipulated by Corporate America — the stuff we use each and every day. Things like oil... gold... silver... natural gas... soybeans... sugar... orange juice... and so on.

Forget the stock market! Here's where the rich go to get richer...

Want a chance to make a few hundred dollars extra per month? This is the place for you.

Of course, 99.9% of the investing public has no clue how to get in on this action. That's why I feel like the "Millionaire's Market" (known to most people as the commodities market) has been "hidden" and kept "secret" from you... until today!

Why I'm Now Using My "Inside" Experience to Open the Doors on Their Greedy Little Secrets. . . Giving You a Chance to Bring in Extra Monthly Income. . .

I figured out how every part of the system works during my years inside the Millionaire's Market.

I placed trades that banked over $100,000 in a matter of minutes... And I placed trades hundreds of times per day.

I discovered all of the Millionaire's Market's secrets.

But along the way, something didn't smell right to me...

First, they had no loyalty to each other. They were concerned only about fattening their own wallets at any cost. That kind of mentality was sickening in itself. Then I realized what was really bothering me.

These guys were so selfish about the millions they were raking in they took steps to keep this market completely hidden.

Instead of sharing their moneymaking secrets with the world, they screwed over everyday people by charging million-dollar entrance fees. It was all designed to keep the rich getting richer... while the everyday Joes like you and me were grinding through 50–60-hour workweeks.

Call me crazy, but that wasn't the life for me. So as soon as I sucked up all the knowledge I could, I quit with the hope of bringing their secrets back home to my family and friends...

But how does this all add up to you making $810 or more per week from their "hidden" market? Well, that's the secret...

I Realized That After I Quit the Secret Millionaire's Market, the System Didn't Shut Me out. . . Now You Have a Chance to "Hack" Into It With the "Guest Pass" I'll Give You Today!

To be honest, I didn't know if it would work. But my access to this market wasn't shut off when I left.

When I logged onto my personal trading account and tried to tag along on one of the Millionaire's Market trades, I fully expected to be shut out. Then the transaction went through, and my pulse started to beat faster and faster. It wasn't a big victory — I withdrew only $650...

A few days later, I tagged along on another trade. And it worked again. This time, I withdrew a little bit more. Around $1,850.

Jackpot! Since I'm not technically on the "inside" anymore, that's why I call my research service a "guest pass." It allows me to recommend the exact same opportunities without having to be "on the inside."

And at that moment, I realized that anyone could tag right along with the millionaires... as long as they knew where to look.

With all of the money floating around inside the Millionaire's Market, it's like secretly reaching in and "withdrawing" money from their transactions — all perfectly legal and virtually undetected.

And today, I'm inviting YOU to do just that!

Since these secret millionaires complete over 1,000,000 commodity trades in their market per day, as long as you don't get greedy, they'll never notice that you're tagging along with their trades.

How the "Guest Pass" Works

The guest pass allows you to participate in the same transactions that they complete each and every day. When we find one that's potentially profitable, you decide if you want to fork over the small amount of cash it takes to make the deal.

Then, when it comes time to "cash out," you could take back your initial cost, plus your share of the profits.

I know it may sound complicated. It's not. Here's how we're going to play it...

Your FREE Guest Pass Into the Millionaire's Market

The "guest pass" is a financial research service called Resource Trader Alert — a service that focuses on the kind of commodity trades they make inside the Millionaire's Market. My recommendations have safely and consistently been booking gains month after month.

And today, I'd like for you to join us.

Through Resource Trader Alert, I'll give you behind-the-scenes access to the Millionaire's Market with my secret guest pass. You could use it to trade alongside them and have a chance to make as much as $810 per week in profits.

I've been personally using the Millionaire's Market to make money EACH and EVERY day — for more than 19 years. I promise that I'll show you how to do the very same thing...

Take Sacramento, Calif., resident Greg Clay, for example. Greg wrote me saying that he "had absolutely no knowledge about [the Millionaire's Market.]" After I gave him the guest pass, he started with just $15,000 in his account, and he says his account is now worth $123,000!

Sally Flemming from Cedar Grove, Wis., told me that she's "grown her account by $4,000" in four months. She's used the guest pass to generate $1,000 in extra income a month!

Or look what Chuck Zhan — a 52-year-old former psychotherapist who can no longer work due to a disability — told me: "I've invested in a recommendation only one time thus far... and sold for a 96% gain, almost doubling my money." Since Chuck is on Social Security, he needs any income that his guest pass can bring him just to get by.

Now, with the guest pass in your hands, you'll have a chance to begin bringing in huge sums of weekly income from the Millionaire's Market. And you'll be able to start as early as 7:10 a.m. EST tomorrow. I'll show you how.

But before I give you access to the guest pass, let me show you just a few specific examples of how much you could make...

Millionaire's Market "Withdrawal" #1 How to Use Your Guest Pass to Make an Extra $810 in Just 7 Days. . .

Did you know that you could make great money trading cocoa in the Millionaire's Market?

You can. Today. But more than 99.9% of people never do. Because before today, the Millionaire's Market was reserved for, well, the millionaires only...

You see, cocoa trades on the Millionaire's Market each and every day. And they make a fortune doing it. But your guest pass will give you the chance to profit by tagging onto their transactions.

You simply use the guest pass to get in on the action... and then take your share of the cash if they profit.

Here's how...

A few months back, I sent my Resource Trader Alert readers the following note:

"BUY the December Cocoa Calls for $480."

Then seven short days later, I rushed them these simple instructions:

"SELL the December Cocoa Calls for $750."

In at $480... out seven days later at $750. That's like withdrawing $270 from the Millionaire's Market. All with just 10 minutes of work.

Not bad, right? But some Resource Trader Alert readers could have made much more than $270...

If you'd have bought two contracts of the same trade, you could have made $540. And if you'd have loaded up on three contracts, you could have raked in an extra $810 in just SEVEN days.

You could have deposited it right into your retirement account... or used it to pay off those heating bills... or put it toward a nice little vacation for your family. It's your choice.

But it gets even more fun than that. $810 in a week is nothing compared with what some of the other lucky guest pass recipients have had the chance to "withdraw." For example...

Millionaire's Market "Withdrawal" #2: How the Guest Pass Could Have Made You $6,208 in Just Under 1 Month

Another commodity that trades in the Millionaire's Market each day is heating oil...

I knew that if my readers wanted to join the millionaires as they traded heating oil, they could get a share of the profits. And that's what the guest pass gives them a chance to do.

So I wasted no time and rushed an urgent e-mail out to my Resource Trader Alert readers. I simply told them to...

"BUY February $150 Heating Oil Calls for $1,747."

Twenty-eight days later, I rushed them instructions again. This time, they could have exited the trade at a price of $4,851 — a "withdrawal" of $3,104 per contract.

If you had bought just two contracts, you could have turned every $3,500 into $6,208...

Four contracts would have raked in $12,416 in pure profit. All in only 28 days.

Pretty impressive, isn't it? And that's money you could make by using your guest pass to get into just one of the 1,633,894 transactions that these guys USED to make behind your back every day.

This happens time and time again. I send my readers instructions... they get a chance to make money in the Millionaire's Market.

Here's another example...

Millionaire's Market "Withdrawal" #3 $911.25 in. . . $3,375 Out. . .

Would an extra $27,095.75 per month help you sleep better at night?

If so, that's exactly the type of extra cash that my Resource Trader Alert readers could have generated. And they'd have done it by playing coffee on the Millionaire's Market.

The trick to trading coffee is to know how the seasons affect the coffee supply. Based on similar seasonal coffee price moves that I saw in my days on the inside of the market, I knew the winter months would send the price of coffee soaring.

So in November, I positioned my readers for potential profits by sending them this set of instructions:

"BUY May $1.05 Coffee Calls for $911.25."

Just 30 days later, the price of coffee had moved up quickly — sending the $911.25 coffee contract up to $3,375 — an amazing 270% gain!

Resource Trader Alert readers could have raked in a quick profit of $2,463.25.

Had you acted on my series of email instructions, you could have safely turned every $3,000 into more than $7,389. Or with a little bit more aggressive bet of 11 contracts, you could have even made $27,095.75 or more.

All within 30 days.

And all by using your guest pass to gain entry into the Millionaire's Market.

But what about today's unstable economic conditions? Do they play a part?

Not at all.

You won't be playing hot stocks in 2011, remember? This gives you a chance to SAFELY make money, no matter what the stock market does...

While the U.S. Plows Through a Recession, These Secret Millionaires Trade More Than Ever. . . Giving You a Chance
to Join Them in Their Elite Game

Does it look like the Millionaire's Market players are hurting over the recession? Nope!

They're making more money than ever from soaring commodity prices.

Here's proof: The sheer number of recent Millionaire's Market transactions is just amazing...

In 2004, the daily average inside the Millionaire's Market was 538,245. In 2005, it increased to 697,371... in 2006, it averaged a whopping 980,400...

Now it averages over 1,633,894 trades per day. That's an impressive 204% growth in just four years.

And this 136-year-old market has increased the number of transactions every year since it started.

This means that the volume of trading on the Millionaire's Market is so high that they'll never even notice you when you tag along to "withdraw" your share of the money!

For example, if you used your guest pass to get in on only a tenth of a percent of their daily transactions, that would still leave you 1,633 cherry-picked potential trades to participate in each day!

The bottom line is that this profit parade won't end anytime soon.

And my Resource Trader Alert system will show you how to safely "withdraw" money from only the VERY best transactions... the ones that could easily pay your monthly bills... and leave you some "extra" cash to burn.

The ones like...

  • The $4,000 you could have reaped in 20 days if you'd bought 8 of our recommended silver contracts
  • The $17,820 in pure profit you could have made in just 9 days from 5 wheat contracts
  • The $4,500 you could have raked in 19 days playing 9 corn contracts
  • The $4,704 you could have bagged from the Millionaire's Market in 6 days through 10 sugar contracts
  • The $9,200 you could have made in 28 days by playing 10 gold contracts.

That's exactly what my Resource Trader Alert system is designed to do — safely provide you guest access to the Millionaire's Market, where you'll have a chance to make as much as $2,000–10,000 per month, depending on your initial stake.

And as good as those gains are, they're nothing compared with...

Millionaire's Market "Withdrawal" #4 Using the Guest Pass to Make You $6,048 in 48 Hours

In early 2007, my Resource Trader Alert system locked onto a sugar play. So I rushed out a quick e-mail to my readers telling them to get in on it. If they wanted to get in on the opportunity, they had to shell out just $358.40 per contract...

And less than 48 hours later, I told them to sell those same sugar contracts for a gain of 84%.

That's like "withdrawing" $302.40 in pure profit from each contract.

With 20 contracts, you could have made $6,048 in as little as 48 hours...

All without ever having to worry about a company going bankrupt or announcing bad earnings.

Again, Resource Trader Alert readers simply wait for my instructions... decide if they want to act... and then act quickly when it's time to sell for a profit. It couldn't be easier.

Here's another deal that could have brought you some quick cash...

Millionaire's Market "Withdrawal" #5 The Guest Pass Could Have Made You an Extra $36.46 per Hour. . . Even While You Slept!

I know that sounds crazy. But hear me out...

Over the course of eight days, I gave my Resource Trader Alert readers the chance to "withdraw" $7,000 from the Millionaire's Market. That's eight days... and $7,000 in pure profit.

Said a different way — that's like generating an extra $36.46 per hour... for 24 straight hours... and for eight straight days. Even while you sleep.

And all with just the guest pass to access the best opportunities in the Millionaire's Market and 10 minutes of work.

Here's Why You'll Be Able to Generate Additional Monthly Income for Years. . . and Years. . . and Years

As long as the world spins, we'll need the simple things to live on. The things like sugar, cocoa, heating oil, cattle, oil and soybeans...

And it only makes sense that supply and demand will make the prices of these things go up and down... That means you'll always have opportunities to make money!

All you need is the guest pass to get you behind the scenes. Once the guest pass is yours, you'll have the chance to...

Turn $5,000 Into $339,200 of PURE Profit

For the past 3 1/2 years, my Resource Trader Alert system has helped me cherry-pick 106 Millionaire's Market recommendations for readers.

Eighty-eight recommendations were winners.

After forking over the cash it took to get in on the transactions, the total cumulative gains (including losers) were a whopping 6,808%.

If you'd have dumped $5,000 into each and every single one of my recommended Millionaire's Market trades, you could have made $339,200 in pure profit. That includes the rare break-even or losing transactions.

Compared with the Dow, which went up just 24.6% during the same time frame, now you can see why certain people pay ridiculous fees to join the Millionaire's Market!

By this point, though, I'm sure you have some questions about what I've told you....

So It Seems Only Appropriate to Answer Your Questions Now. . .

I'd like to take a moment to make sure you're completely comfortable with how powerful this guest pass can be.

Remember, I want only serious people using the guest pass to play this secret Millionaire's Market. NO deadbeats allowed...

So I've tried to compile some questions that I think you may have. I'll answer them now...

"If the Millionaire's Market Makes You So Much Money, Why Don't You Just Keep It to Yourself? Why Release This Information?"

Answer: I DO use my guest pass to make money each and every day. But with 1,633,894 transactions per day, there's more than enough for you, too.

I don't want to ever be accused of front-running a recommendation. So here's my promise to you in plain English — I'll never personally play the recommendations I give you.

So if you think about it, it's a win-win. I get to continue doing what I love... while still giving you the guest pass and specific instructions on how you could make money for yourself!

After all, if I kept this information for myself, wouldn't I be just as bad as the millionaires who want to keep you out?

"This Sounds Risky. . . Is It?"

Answer: I'm not going to lie. All investments involve risk. And to tag along with the Millionaire's Market transactions, you'll have to fork over the cash it takes to get in on the deal.

If you're not willing to take on a TINY amount of risk, you'd better stop right here. The Millionaire's Market isn't for you. You'd be better off sticking your money into a savings account that's guaranteed to make you 4% per year...

But if you're willing to assume a small amount of risk in return for a chance to generate profits from the Millionaire's Market, this is for you.

On top of that, remember that I've been perfecting my Resource Trader Alert system for 20 years. It allows me to identify only the safest opportunities in the Millionaire's Market.

It's the reason why guest pass reader Sam Early wrote me to say that his account is safely up 80% in seven months. He followed up by saying, "Unlike some other, overhyped services... yours is the real deal. And that [80%] is the real number."

"Do I Need to Know Anything About Commodities or Trading to Use My Guest Pass?"

Answer: Nope. Using the guest pass to play the Millionaire's Market is actually easier than buying Top stocks For 2011. How? Because in the past 3½ years — with over 106 specific plays — I've recommended plays on only15 different Millionaire's Market commodities.

As a gift, I'll give you all 15 right now. Mark these down:

Crude Oil, Orange Juice, Heating Oil, Natural Gas, Coffee, Soybeans, Corn, Cotton, Unleaded Gas, Cattle, Sugar, Gold, Cocoa, Silver, Wheat

Compare that to the thousands and thousands of top stocks to buy out there...

Remember, California resident Greg wrote me saying that he "had absolutely no knowledge about [the Millionaire's Market]" before hearing about Resource Trader Alert. He's since made $123,000 in the previously hidden Millionaire's Market.

"What if I Don't Have a Ton of Cash to Get Started? Can I Still Participate in the Recommendations?"

Answer: It does take a little bit of money to get started. But not much.

Most of the recommendations that my Resource Trader Alert system helps me lock onto will cost around $750 to play. If you don't have that much, I'm sorry. There's nothing I can do. I don't make the rules. I just offer a "guest pass" to get you inside...

But if you have a few hundred bucks, the risk is so small (remember I've given my readers a chance to make money 83% of the time) that the potential returns far outweigh the transaction costs.

"How Will I Know What and When to Buy and Sell?"

Answer: This one is simple. I'll tell you exactly what to buy, when to buy it and when to sell it.

I've recommended a total of 106 plays with specific buy-and-sell recommendations. Eighty-eight went up. And the average gain over all of those plays, including losers, was an amazing 64%.

That's like "withdrawing" an average of $640 from the Millionaire's Market from every $1,000 transaction!

"What Do I Need to Get Started?"

Answer: You need two only simple things to gain behind-the-scenes access to the Millionaire's Market.

First, you need a guest pass. I've just finished a special report that gives you all of the details. It's called Your Underground Guest Pass Into the World's Most Secretive Millionaire's Market.

And it's yours FREE if you follow the instructions at the end of this letter. But the amount of special reports I can give out is extremely limited — I have only 2,500.

Next, you'll need my instructions on exactly what to buy and sell. With your permission, I'd like to immediately e-mail you my Resource Trader Alert recommendations. Each week, I send two e-mails out. One may have a recommendation... and the other is a recap of our open positions.

That's all you'll ever need to generate extra monthly income. I'm confident that if you possess both these things, you'll never want to gamble on the stock market again.

And here's what I'm willing to do for you today...

If You Act Quickly. . . There's a Guest Pass Waiting for You!

I've been telling you that there's no room for deadbeats all along.

So I just skimmed through my Resource Trader Alert list and kicked off anyone who hasn't paid subscription dues.

With the deadbeats gone, I'm finally ready to let in a few new guest pass subscribers — something I haven't done in six months.

As I'm sure you'll understand, though, I can't offer this for free.

So after thinking about it, I came to the decision that a fair price to pay for a yearlong subscription to my "guest pass" research service would be $2,990.

That's a drop in the bucket when you consider that others have had to pay $5.8 million to join the Millionaire's Market. Or when you consider that you might have an opportunity to make up your subscription price within the first month of your membership.

Like subscriber George Chan, from Singapore, who told me that he "recovered his subscription fees in the very first [Millionaire's Market recommendation]" he took. He went on to say that he "regretted not joining earlier."

Or take Colin Roberts, who lives just a stone's throw away from Central Park, NYC. He said he paid for his "first-year subscription in six days." "Wish I'd have been on sooner," he continued... "Something tells me I'm not alone."

And he's right. He's not alone. Now you can rake in income from the Millionaire's Market, too.

With your subscription to Resource Trader Alert, I'll immediately send you a FREE copy of my special report, Your Underground Guest Pass Inside the World's Most Secretive Millionaire's Market.

I'll want you to read it right away.

Because I'll also add you to my list of Resource Trader Alert guest pass subscribers. Through the list, I'll send you approximately two or three recommendations per month that you could use to "withdraw" your share of the profits from the Millionaire's Market... and I'll also send you weekly updates on your positions.

I have only a few hundred special reports to give out. Any more and we'd risk being "discovered." I'd hate for this offer to close before you've had a chance claim your personal guest pass. So how's this for fair...

Respond Today and Get 50% Off

If you decide to take me up on my offer today, I'm willing to give you a full 50% off the normal one-year price of Resource Trader Alert.

You'll get the guest pass subscription (with approximately 36 Resource Trader Alert cherry-picked trading recommendations) for just $1,495.

But space is extremely limited. As soon as I send out the maximum 2,500 special reports, I'll be forced to close this offer.

If you're still not sure if this report and Resource Trader Alert are right for you, here's what I suggest you do...

Go Ahead. . . Take the Next 90 Days to Decide if Resource Trader Alert Works for You

Sign up for a subscription to Resource Trader Alert today. Then take the next 90 days to decide if it's for you.

If the guest pass research service doesn't give you a chance to substantially better your way of living... if it doesn't help lighten the load of your monthly bills... or if you're not happy for any reason...

Simply call me up and I'll send you a full refund. The only thing I ask is that you return your special report so that someone else can use it.

But if Resource Trader Alert helps you see gains, which I'm sure it will, I'll wait until the end of your 90-day trial to begin your yearlong subscription.

That's something I've NEVER done before.

That means you'll receive a total of 15 months... THREE FREE ... and 12 more as your normal year's subscription... all for the half-price offer of just $1,495.

But there's also one other reason why you'll want to act right now...

Your Chance to Be Inside the Millionaire's Market by 7:10 a.m. Tomorrow

The Millionaire's Market opens for trading tomorrow at 7:10 a.m. While "normal" Wall Street doesn't get started until much later in the day... these guys waste no time when they know there's serious money to be made.

So either you're in or you're out...

Continue to stick with the risky lottery system that the best stock market for 2011 has become... or gain behind-the-scenes guest access into the financial community's best-kept secret, the Millionaire's Market — where you'll have a chance to "withdraw" $810 or more per week without ever trading a single top stock again.

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